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We design,
and develop

-> digital


Hello there /
We are a creative
studio /-> deslop,
helping people to
/-> grow up their
business, brand.

We do ->
Brand identity design,
Web/app UI/UX design,
Web development.

We work hard to provide a rich experience in both web/app UI/UX design and web development. We do branding with a modern simple logo.

Explore our
projects ->

-> 2022

Project was for/-
Our own brand. It is a rebranding project of our studio brand identity.

We did /-
Branding, web design, and development.



Visit site

Project was for/-
An online news app, that shows the latest news from different newspapers in Bangladesh.

We did /-
Web design.


News Today

Visit site

-> 2021

Project was for/-
Our pure Js custom scrollbar for web developers. It is a smooth scrolling experience.

We did /-
Website design, and development.


Pure Js Scroller

Visit site

Project was for/-
A social media community for friend collaboration, streaming, sharing, and chatting.

We did /-
Website design, and development.


Sparkle Town

Visit site
Explore all

Know about
our team ->

Mahadi Hasan

Full-stack developer

Md. Abdullah

Designer, Developer

You want /

Brand identity design,

Web/app UI/UX design,

Web development.

You are /

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About project (in 250 letters)

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the contact.

Check your mailbox. We will knock you there within 24 hours. Knock us on social media for a faster response.